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GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Practice 61

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Diffculty: Medium

An alloy is composed of silver and other metals. The price per kilogram of the alloy is directly proportional to the proportion of the alloy (by weight) made of silver. An alloy made up of 5 kilograms of silver and 75 kilograms of other metals costs $240. What would be the cost of an alloy, in dollars, containing 95 kilograms of other metals and 5 kilograms of silver?

  • radio_button_unchecked
    (A) $15
  • radio_button_unchecked
    (B) $192
  • radio_button_unchecked
    (C) $240
  • radio_button_unchecked
    (D) $300
  • radio_button_unchecked
    (E) $480