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GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice 178

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Most shopping malls in Sassicantia now offer dedicated areas for leisure, entertainment, and in-mall child care. When a shopping mall includes such areas, its visitors purchase more on average from all the stores, restaurants, and other leisure venues in the mall. It is little wonder that most of these malls enjoy a steady increase in sales, while sales at shopping malls without such additional facilities are in decline. In this regard, in an attempt to increase sales in all Starcross Galaxy malls, Sassicantia's largest chain of shopping malls, the brand's management plans to make room for new leisure venues, namely movie theaters, kids' play areas, and VR arcades, opening these facilities within the next three months before the holiday season starts.

Which of the following points, if true, most questions the capacity of the plan expressed by the brand's management to be successful?

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    (A) The construction of an average movie theater inside a shopping mall takes about half a year, and then the movie theater usually becomes the most popular leisure venue in the mall.
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    (B) The former CEO of the chain of shopping malls admits that the company has been ready for this kind of expansion for quite some time.
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    (C) VR arcades and gaming areas are a sure-fire way to get more visitors to the shopping mall to stay in the mall longer and spend more money in it.
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    (D) The key competitors of the brand have already started this kind of expansion and will open such leisure venues faster than the brand.
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    (E) It is unclear whether the company should make all three types of leisure venues available in each and every shopping mall.